How to Install Oh My Zsh on FreeBSD 13


Before we're able to install Oh My ZSH into our FreeBSD 13 host, we need to install its dependencies.

  • pkg
  • zsh
  • curl
  • git

Install FreeBSD Package Management Tool

Our first step is to install FreeBSD management tool called pkg. Open your terminal and enter this command:

# pkg help

If pkg is already installed, it will show help menu. Otherwise, it will prompt you to install it to your FreeBSD system. Once we have pkg available, we're ready to continue with our next step.

Install Oh-my-zsh Dependencies

Next, let's install oh-my-zsh dependencies:

# pkg install zsh curl git

Install Oh-my-zsh Dependencies

It will ask for your confirmation. Just press "Y" followed by "Enter" to continue with installation. After installation process finished, we need to change our user's shell to zsh.

Change Default Shell

I want to set zsh to user adjie, so the command should be like this:

# chsh -s zsh adjie

Change FreeBSD Shell

Close the SSH session and reconnect. You can use Ctrl-D for quick logout.

On your first login, you will be greeted with something like below:

Oh My ZSH First Login

I choose "0" in this step. You can press "q" to close the message, but the message will shown again at your next login.

Oh-my-zsh Installation

The installation of oh-my-zsh itself is pretty straightforward. You can check their website if you don't believe me.

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

If everything is okay, the process should be quick. Here's the screenshot of my installation.

Oh-my-zsh Installation

Post Install

Congratulations, you've successfully installed oh-my-zsh to your FreeBSD system. You can find many themes available in this website. The default is ZSH_THEME=robbyrussell.

If you want to change your oh-my-zsh theme, you need to edit its configuration file in ~/.zshrc. To view the results of your new theme, just re-open your ssh session.

Final Words

I hope that you now know how to install oh-my-zsh on FreeBSD 13. If you run into any issues or have any feedback feel free to drop a comment below.

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